Type Checking

Due to the way route parameters are declared with tiny-api-client, type checking them would be impossible for tools like mypy without knowledge of how this library works. Therefore, it was necessary to go beyond ordinary type annotations.

mypy Plugin

As of version >=1.2.1, the library ships with a mypy plugin that can parse positional route parameters declared in your endpoints and treat them as keyword-only optional string parameters.

Therefore, errors like this will be highlighted:

def find_user(self, response: dict[str, str]) -> User:


>>> error: Unexpected keyword argument "user_name" for "find_user"
    of "MyClient"  [call-arg]


The mypy plugin is still in early development, and may not have all expected features. Additional requests parameters in endpoint calls are not supported yet.

Required and optional parameters

By design, only the last positional parameter can be optional. For instance:

def get_comment(self, response: dict[str, str]) -> Comment:

client.get_comment(comment_id="...") # forgot to add user id

>>> error: Missing named argument...


If you want to leave the starting parameters empty, you will have to explicitly pass an empty string.

The parameter can only be marked optional if the route ends on that parameter. This implies the route cannot end in a slash, for instance. The endpoint below has no optional route parameters.

def get_likes(self, response: int) -> int:

Enabling the plugin

To enable the plugin, add this to your pyproject.toml, or check the mypy_config documentation if you are using a different file format.

plugins = ["tiny_api_client.mypy"]

Without Plugin

It is possible to type check an API client without the plugin, but be warned that you won’t have positional route parameter checking whatsoever.

The major issue you will run into is the following:


error: Unexpected keyword argument "my_arg" for "my_call"
of "Client" [call-arg]

Due to inherent limitations with the typing spec as of Python 3.12, it is not possible to add arbitrary keyword-only arguments to a decorated function for type checking purposes. For more information, see pep 612.

One way around this is to include arbitrary keyword-only arguments in your endpoint definition. This will let mypy know that the wrapper function can also accept arbitrary keyword-only arguments. The obvious downside is that it does not look very clean and if you have multiple endpoints it can get tiring to write them like this.

from typing import Any

def my_call(self, response, /, **_: Any) -> str:
    return response

The other way is to manually silence this error for a certain scope. For more information, see the mypy docs.